Procurement Opportunities

Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend periodically issues formal procurements soliciting services ranging from managing and operating Workforce Solutions’ Career Centers to various administrative services.

Current Opportunities

Date Modified: July 22, 2024

No Open Procurements

Check back later or register your business with the links below.

Do Business With Us!

This page is regularly updated with new opportunities for Coastal Bend companies to work with WFSCB. If you are interested in adding your business to our potential vendor list, please complete and submit the form from the link below. Once registered, you will receive notifications for the business opportunities your company may be able to provide.

Strategic Marketing Standards and Guidelines

The Strategic Marketing Standards and Guidelines have been developed to establish overarching goals covering marketing, communications, outreach, leadership, advocacy, and organizational excellence. This document outlines the organization’s mission, marketing guidelines, and proof of performance indicators that guide all Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend’s activities. This is a strategic road map that institutes immediate objectives and supporting actions to ensure a unified message with a higher level of brand equity and integrity.

Have A Workforce Professional Contact You!

Workforce Professionals are virtually available to assist you by phone, text, email, and online.
(361) 882-7491

Be sure to follow us on Social Media

Stay up todate on all of our activity including hiring events, scholarships and training opportunites for job seekers, employers and students!

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