If you have a mental or physical impairment that has impacted your ability to find or keep a job, Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) may be able to assist you.
Together with Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend, TWS-VRS provides Texans with disabilities an array of workforce and support services that help you prepare for, find, retain and advance in employment.
Start My VR

The newly launched Start My VR is an online self-referral form that offers a convenient way for Texans with disabilities to take the first step toward employment by meeting with VR staff to learn about Vocational Rehabilitation Services and meet with a VR Counselor. Get started today by visiting Start My VR or by scanning the QR code and taking three easy steps.
Texas Workforce Services Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services
On September 1, 2016, the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) laid the groundwork for the transfer of vocational rehabilitation services from the former Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) to TWC. Under the new program name Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS).
Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend welcomes a great team of dedicated TWS-VRS individuals who are committed to serving the people and employers of Texas. TWS–VRS helps eligible Texans with disabilities prepare for, obtain, retain or advance in competitive integrated employment, which is employment in jobs with work settings, wages, benefits and advancement opportunities equivalent to similar jobs held by people without disabilities.

Your local Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Teams are committed to helping you reach your Employment Goals and continue to serve you with your health and safety in mind! VR Counselors, VR Teachers, Rehabilitation Assistants, and Independent Living Workers are available by phone, email, or teleconference where possible.
Call (361) 878-3000 or (361) 882-7491 for services.
Please visit the directory of VR Services here: https://twc.texas.gov/offices/vr-general-services.html.

Phone: (512) 936-6400
Email: vr.office.locator@twc.state.tx.us
Friendly URL: www.twc.texas.gov/VRNearMe
Job Seekers with Disabilities: How to Snag your Dream Job
Since about 1 in 3 families have someone who has a disability, it’s important to know what job hunting resources are available. This guide has everything from how to find a job to perfecting your resume and how to prepare for an interview.
Why seek Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services?
Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation Services are designed to help individuals address employment barriers related to a disability, and supports eligible individuals as they prepare for, obtain, retain or advance in employment.
Individualized services are provided through VR staff co-located at offices across the state and may include:
- Assessment for eligibility, career exploration, and planning for employment.
- Disability supports through counseling, therapies, treatments, or assistive devices.
- Training to enhance and expand employment skills through work readiness training, work-based learning experiences, professional training to earn a credential or certificate or work readiness training.
- Job search assistance to help you find competitive integrated employment and support once you are on the job.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services Are Available Virtually
To help individuals with disabilities access services during the COVID-19 pandemic, local Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) teams are available virtually to help our VR customers work toward their employment goals.
VR counselors, VR teachers, Rehabilitation Assistants and Independent Living workers are available to provide services by phone, email or teleconference where possible. Get in touch or find services in your area at (512) 936-6400 or email vr.office.locator@twc.state.tx.us. To locate VR offices near you, visit www.twc.texas.gov/VRNearMe
VR Serves Job Seekers With Disabilities
Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services works with eligible individuals with any disability, whether visible or not. If you have a disability that makes difficult for you to obtain or maintain employment, contact us at (512) 936-6400 or email vr.office.locator@twc.state.tx.us to see if VR services are right for you. To locate VR services near you, visit www.twc.texas.gov/VRNearMe
It’s estimated that 1 in 4 U.S. adults has a disability. Having a disability can make it challenging for a person to live everyday life, including keeping a job. Texas Workforce Solutions-Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services helps eligible individuals with a mental or physical disability affecting their employment with needed supports so that they can obtain, maintain or advance in employment. Counseling and guidance, training, and assistive technology are just a few of the available services. Contact VR Services at (512) 936-6400 or email vr.office.locator@twc.state.tx.us to see if VR services are right for you. To locate VR services near you, visit www.twc.texas.gov/VRNearMe
Why partner with Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Business Relations?
Vocational Rehabilitation customers are qualified candidates with the skills, drive, loyalty and dependability that employers want. Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend Business Services Units collaborate with VR Business Relations and can help you tap into this talent pool through:
- Education and Awareness assistance to meet your needs, including site visits, presentations, training, tours and community resource referrals.
- Recruiting to build a strong, diverse workforce by identifying qualified candidates for your job requirements.
- Training to help VR customers learn the foundational soft skills and job skills needed in your business.
- Retention services so that you can retain valuable employees who need help due to a disability that might be jeopardizing their employment.
Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend can provide:
- Reasonable Accommodations
- Workshops for a Successful Job Search
- Sign Language Interpreters
- Accessible Technology
- Job Development Services
- Job Coaching
- Ticket to Work Program
- Education and Training Programs
- Financial Aid Opportunities
Information & Referrals to Agencies that provide:
- Social Security Disability Benefits Planning
- Job Accommodations
- Public Transportation Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Social Security Work Incentive Programs
Helpful Tips and Information for Job Seekers with Disabilities
Workforce Solutions of the Coastal Bend (WFSCB) is committed to providing employment-related services to all citizens of the Coastal Bend. WFSCB provides a variety of options to help customers with disabilities use the services, resources and information offered at each of our Career Centers. As a person with a disability, as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), you have the right to access all services, programs and activities provided at our Career Centers. WFSCB is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
Disability Statistics
The Annual Disability Status Reports provide policy makers, disability advocates, reporters, and the public with a summary of the most recent demographic and economic statistics on the non-institutionalized population with disabilities. They contain information on the population size and disability prevalence for various demographic subpopulations, as well as statistics related to employment, earnings, and household income. Comparisons are made to people without disabilities and across disability types. Disability Status Reports and other statistics are available for each state, DC, and Puerto Rico at http://www.disabilitystatistics.org/.